View of Dickleburgh

Rushall Church

Please use this website to find out information about the 2 villages, amenities, details of community events, organizations, dates and minutes of council meetings, and to provide the Council with feedback on any of the issues raised on the site.
The Parish Council is now on Twitter under the username of @DickleRushallPC. For all the latest village news and announcements, please follow us.
Final Consultation of The Neighbourhood plan
Thank you all that have provided feedback. All feedback is recorded and will be reviewed by the Neighbourhood Plan team. The full Neighbourhood Plan is still available for viewing, click on the menu option above.
News and Future Events


To advertise your event here contact
Tel 01379 742937
Utility links and road closure notices

Click on the pictures above for more information

The Community Grant Fund
Principles of the Grant:
1 The grant should be available to all under 25s who reside permanently within the parish boundary of Dickleburgh & Rushall.
2 The grant should fund activities or equipment for individuals or small groups.
3 The grant should constitute an amount of money which should contribute towards funding the activity or equipment. Evidence should be provided to clearly demonstrate funding from other sources.
4 There should, in the proposal, be a clear positive outcome for the individual or small group that leads to improved performance, skill, knowledge or understanding.
5 Each application should be unique.
6 The grant should not fund an annual or regular event, it needs to be more of a “one off”.
7 All successful applicants should share their experience with the wider community e.g.via the website, the Parish News, local groups or the local press etc. (help with this can be provided).
8 Application should be made by completing a Community Grant Fund Application Form. Applicants will be invited to talk informally about their application in order to enable the Grants Committee to come to a decision regarding the application.
9 Grants will be advertised in both the spring and the autumn of each year however applications will be considered throughout the year.
1 Principles 1-8 should be met.
Application via:
1 A Community Grant Fund Application Form must be used – setting out the reason for the application and the benefit to the applicant or the wider community this could be supported by a letter of application.
2 Applicants will be invited to talk informally about their application.
Post application:
Successful applicants will be invited to share their experience with the wider community.
Examples of the Types of Applications which may Prove Successful:
educational activities
cultural activities
the arts
personal growth
environmental activities
community focused activities
life skills
life-enhancing equipment
this is not an exhaustive list!
Interested in finding out more? Contact Parish Councillor Jim Kerr on 01379 740225
Click image for Parish Council response

Please send any comments or suggestions for the Parish Council and Website using the feedback form below or email clerk@dickleburghandrushallpc.org.uk